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Extended Warranty and Artec Care Programs


Updated: September 20, 2024


Artec Leo, Artec Spider II, Artec Space Spider, Artec Eva (Lite), Artec Micro I, Artec Micro II and Artec Ray I scanners are covered by a 2-year warranty that protects against material and workmanship defects.

Artec Point, Artec Ray II scanners are covered by a 1-year warranty that protects against material and workmanship defects.

The warranty period begins at the date of delivery of the device.

For full details, see Artec 3D Scanners Warranty Information


1. What additional warranty options does Artec3D offer?

Extended Warranty and Artec Care Program available for

- Artec Eva/ Artec Eva Lite

- Artec Space Spider, Artec Spider II

- Artec Leo (produced starting 2022)


Extended Warranty (*)


Extension to the official 2-years warranty, protects the scanner against material and workmanship defects



Artec Care (**)

Includes up to two incidents every 12 month

Each incident is subject to the service fees plus applicable taxes.





- Maximum extension - 5 years  (i.e. scanners can remain under warranty for up to 7 years in total). Extended warranty cannot be purchased for the scanner older 7 years.

- If not bought the at same time as the scanner(s), standard maintenance service will be required before the order for warranty extension is processed

- In case of any lapse in warranty coverage, standard maintenance service will be required before the order for warranty extension is processed.



- An incident refers to maintenance or repairs required due to physical damage from handling, caused by unexpected and unintentional events. An incident is counted only if the scanner or its parts are returned to Artec 3D.

- Artec Care works only in combination with a valid (original or extended) warranty and has to be purchased on the same day as a scanner or warranty extension.

- For each incident the Customer have to pay 500 EUR/ USD, Artec3D will cover the rest (shipping cost is covered by Artec 3D).

- Any unused incidents will expire after 12 months

- All damaged or replaced parts of the scanner after the accidental drop irrevocably become the property of Artec 3D. They cannot be reclaimed by the scanner owner under any circumstances.

- Artec Care does not cover theft or loss coverage.


Once paid, Extended warranty and Artec Care cannot be canceled and/or partially or fully refunded.



2. How much do Warranty Extension and Artec Care cost?

Extended Warranty - 1200 EUR/ USD per year
Artec Care  - 1200 EUR/ USD per year


3. How to buy?

if you want to purchase Extended Warranty or Artec Care, please get in touch with your partner to clarify the cost of the program or


Q: If we need a factory calibration and overhaul maintenance once a year, can we just pay 500 USD/EUR for it and get the service?

A: Yes, standard yearly maintenance, which is usually not covered by the standard warranty, can be provided for 500 USD/EUR(depending on your country) under the Artec Care Program.


Q: Does Artec Care cover the shipping cost for the standard maintenance service?

A: Yes, the shipping cost for maintenance and/or repair is covered, but can be claimed only twice per year. 



In case you experience any issues with your Artec 3D scanner or require technical assistance with your device or Artec Studio, in the first instance please contact your local Artec dealer/distributor directly. You can also contact the Artec Support Team by clicking on "Submit a request" button on the bottom right part of the screen or by emailing



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