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General Recommendations for Maintenance and Calibration Service for Artec 3D Scanners


In the following article, we would like to share general recommendations for periodic maintenance and calibration.

Keep in mind the operating conditions for each scanner, since this can impact the scanner’s accuracy (calibration). Please warm up the scanner for at least 10- 15 minutes before use for better accuracy.


1) Artec Eva/ Artec Eva Lite  


Artec Eva (Lite) can only be calibrated at our Luxembourg facility. In general, we recommend scheduling maintenance and calibration every 2 years to ensure that your scanner is in perfect working order.


Also, we recommend having Artec Eva recalibrated in the following cases:

  1. If the scanned surface is not reconstructed properly. You can do a simple test: Scan a flat white wall, and if you see that the 3D surface is not flat, contains holes, or has too much noise, the scanner may require calibration.
  2. If the scanner’s accuracy is not within the specifications.

2) Artec Spider/ Artec Space Spider  


Artec (Space) Spider is equipped with a special calibration kit. This calibration kit is located at the bottom of the scanner’s hard case, behind the backing foam.

We recommend scheduling maintenance and calibration at our facility every 2 years, to ensure that your scanner is in perfect working order.


We recommend calibrating Artec (Space) Spider in the following cases:

  1. After transportation
  2. On a timely basis (once per year, etc., depending upon the intensity of use)
  3. If the highest accuracy is required (up to 0.05 mm; we recommend recalibrating the scanner prior to scanning, in the same room)
  4. When connecting to a new computer/laptop

There are cases when calibrating  Artec Space Spider with a calibration kit may not help (e.g. after physical impact). In this situation, please send the scanner to our facility for inspection and recalibration.


Known issue: During calibration of an Artec Spider on the laptop/PC equipped with the USB 3.1 controller: 'No Markers Detected' error is displayed. Please use the external calibration tool.


3) Artec Leo


Artec Leo can be calibrated with a special separate accessory - Leo Calibration Kit


We recommend calibrating Artec Leo in the following cases:

  1. After transportation
  2. On a timely basis (once per week/ month/ year, etc., depending upon the intensity of use)
  3. If the highest accuracy is required (up to 0.1 mm; we recommend recalibrating the scanner prior to scanning, in the same room, same temperature)

We recommend scheduling maintenance and calibration at our facility every 1-2 years, to ensure that your scanner is in perfect working order.


There are cases when calibrating  Artec Leo with a calibration kit may not help (e.g. after heavily physical impact). In this situation, please send a special debug report to in order to determine if Artec Leo requires facility calibration:

  • Warm up the scanner for ~ 30 minutes
  • Send us the report following these instructions
  • For a test scan, please scan a white wall at a distance of 500-1000 mm.



4) Artec Micro I / Artec Micro II


Artec Micro I and II are equipped with a special calibration panel. Please find calibration instructions in the User Guide for Artec Micro Iand for Artec Micro II



(!) The calibration panel is a delicate component, and you should not touch it. If you encounter any issues with the calibration process, please make sure that the protective cap is removed, and the panel surface is clean and free from scratches and other defects.


We recommend calibrating Artec Micro I and Artec Micro II in the following cases:

  1. After transportation
  2. After long storage (e.g. calibrate the scanner once a month)
  3. When connecting to a new computer/laptop
  4. If the environmental conditions have changed
  5. If the quality of a 3D model is not as reliable or accurate as previous results.

Here are some additional tips for Artec Micro I and Artec Micro II maintenance:

  • Periodically clean the scanner with a dry cloth and make sure to remove any moisture inside the scanner.
  • Do not clean the scanner with any corrosive detergent or antiseptic solution.
  • Always turn off the power when checking the scanner.
  • Do not use any type of spray near the scanner (if the use of a scanning spray is necessary, spray away from the scanner).
  • Do not touch the mirror or lenses inside the scanner.

5) Artec Ray I


Artec Ray can be calibrated only at the Redmond, USA, facility.


It is strongly recommended to perform maintenance and calibration once every 16 months.


Standard Maintenance for Artec Ray includes inspection, incoming testing, and calibration, partial disassembly, external and partial cleaning, clock battery replacement if indicated, assembly, thermal cycles, camera calibration, firmware upgrade, QC, calibration certificate 


6) Artec Ray II

There are no strict requirements for annual calibration for Artec Ray II. As there is a special procedure Check & Adjust (fully automated, straightforward, one-button, procedure which is easily completed in the field, in less than 6 minutes. It does not require a specific measurement field containing a prescribed configuration of targets.)

The procedure allows the user to:

  1. Check the current angular accuracy of the Artec Ray II
  2. Adjust the angular parameters to improve the angular accuracy of the Artec Ray II directly in the field

However if an updated calibration certificate is required, the scanner should be sent for the maintenance.

Standard Maintenance includes: incoming inspection, circle cleanliness inspection, kinematic calibration, EDM calibration, extrinsic camera calibration, 3D verification, firmware upgrade, outgoing inspection, cleaning of scanner, calibration certificate 


Please find the warranty information for all Artec 3D scanners.


In case you experience any issues with your Artec 3D scanner or require technical assistance with your device or Artec Studio, in the first instance please contact your local Artec dealer/distributor directly. You can also contact the Artec Support Team by clicking on "Submit a request" button on the bottom right part of the screen or by emailing

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