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Updating Artec Leo: "Refresh Error. Try again later"


Issue: When attempting to update the Artec Leo, the following error pops up: "Refresh Error. Try again later"

Cause: The password to your user account (on was recently changed.

Solution: Perform a re-login of your Leo.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware that a re-login erases all data stored on your Leo. Backup or export your data before initiating a re-login.



In case you experience any issues with your Artec 3D scanner or require technical assistance with your device or Artec Studio, in the first instance please contact your local Artec dealer/distributor directly. You can also contact the Artec Support Team by clicking on "Submit a request" button on the bottom right part of the screen or by emailing
















In case you experience any issues with your Artec 3D scanner or require technical assistance with your device or Artec Studio, in the first instance please contact your local Artec dealer/distributor directly. You can also contact the Artec Support Team by clicking on the "Submit a request" button at the bottom right of the page, or by emailing

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