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Combining Scans from Ray and Different Artec Scanners

When working with the Artec Ray, you may encounter situations where combining Ray data with 3D data from another Artec scanner (e.g. the Artec Eva, Leo, or Spider) may be of an advantage.
Examples, where such a scenario may prove useful, are as follows:

  • When the object has a number of hard-to-reach areas that cannot be scanned (accessed) with the Ray scanner alone.
  • When the object is easier to scan with the Artec Leo, but a higher accuracy is required. 
  • When selective, high-resolution areas need to be added into a Ray scan of a larger area which was originally captured at a lower resolution.

In cases like these, it is possible to combine the data from several different scanner types.

Data captured with the Artec Ray can be easily aligned, registered, and fused together with Eva, Leo, and even Space Spider data.
Note: due to the format differences, the raw data from the Ray must be either fused or triangulated before becoming eligible for combination with other datasets. 


Choosing the right workflow

Before proceeding to the workflow steps which are outlined further below, please take a moment to choose the workflow that most suits your scanning scenario:

  • Workflows 1 and 2 are suitable when the Ray scanner is being used at scanning distances of up to ~15 meters and the goal is to combine Artec Ray data with Artec Leo or Eva data.

  • Workflow 3 is suitable when the Ray scanner is being used at scanning distances of beyond 20 meters and the goal is to combine Artec Ray data with Artec Leo or Eva data;
    or when the Ray scanner is being used at a close distance, but the goal is to combine Artec Ray data with Artec [Space] Spider data.


Processing workflow 1

  • Process the Ray dataset separately: Align and/or global register all Ray scans (by targets or geometry) so that they are all correctly positioned in relation to each other (set Preset to Artec Ray).
  • Create a Fusion or Triangulation from the Ray data (keep Preset on Artec Ray).

  • Align the Leo/Eva data with the Ray Fusion/Triangulation.

  • Perform a Global Registration of the Leo/Eva raw data together with the Ray Fusion/Triangulation (change Preset to Leo/Eva according to your scanner type).

  • (optional but recommended step before the Fusion) erase the "duplicated" (overlapping) areas, especially if there is conflicting geometry visible:
    from the Ray model, erase the area that was also covered by the Leo/Eva scanner (leaving only the Leo/Eva data present in that area). This erase operation will help avoid double surfaces, artifacts, and holes in the areas where the datasets overlap.
    Please note that it is important to leave a small bit of overlapping surface from all sides.
  • Perform a Fusion of the Ray Fusion/Triangulation together with the Leo/Eva raw dataset (change Preset to Leo/Eva according to your scanner type).

    The final result is a single fusion (model) from the two initially separate datasets.


Processing workflow 2

While workflow 1 will be suitable for most cases and will provide the best results, workflow 2 can sometimes provide a better result, depending on your specific scenario. Feel free to experiment between workflows 1 and 2 if either result in an unsatisfactory model.

  • Process the Ray dataset separately: Align and/or global register all Ray scans (by targets or geometry) so that they are all correctly positioned in relation to each other (set Preset to Artec Ray).
  • Create a Fusion or Triangulation from the Ray data (keep Preset on Artec Ray).

  • Align the Leo/Eva data with the Ray Fusion/Triangulation.

  • Perform a Global Registration of the Leo/Eva raw data together with the Ray Fusion/Triangulation (change Preset to Leo/Eva according to your scanner type).

  • Once the Leo/Eva data has been correctly registered, the next step is to perform a Fusion of the Leo/Eva data only (change Preset to Leo/Eva according to your scanner type).
    You now have two fusions: one from the Ray and one from the Leo/Eva dataset.

  • Run a Global Registration on the two fusion models. This operation will serve as a sort of "fine align" between the two and will make sure that the two fusions/models are positioned optimally in relation to each other.

  • (optional but recommended step) erase the "duplicated" (overlapping) areas, especially if there is conflicting geometry visible:
    from the Ray model, erase the area that was also covered by the Leo/Eva scanner (leaving only the Leo/Eva model present in that area). This erase operation will help avoid double surfaces, artifacts, and holes in the areas where the datasets overlap.
    Please note that it is important to leave a small bit of overlapping surface from all sides.
  • Perform a Fusion of the two models together.

    The final result is a single fusion (model) from the two initially separate datasets.


Processing workflow 3

This workflow is most suitable when the Ray scanner is being used at scanning distances of beyond 20 meters and the goal is to combine Artec Ray data with Artec Leo or Eva data.
Or when the Ray scanner is being used at a close distance, but the goal is to combine Artec Ray data with Artec [Space] Spider data.

  • Process the Ray dataset separately: Align and/or global register all Ray scans (by targets or geometry) so that they are all correctly positioned in relation to each other (set Preset to Artec Ray).
  • Create a Fusion or Triangulation from the Ray data (keep Preset on Artec Ray).

  • Perform a Global Registration of the Leo/Eva/Spider data separately (change Preset to Leo/Eva/Spider according to your scanner type).

  • After a successful Global Registration, lock all the handheld scanner scans by using the lock feature in the Workspace.
  • Perform a Global Registration of the locked Leo/Eva/Spider scans together with the Ray Fusion or Triangulation.

  • (optional but recommended step) erase the "duplicated" (overlapping) areas, especially if there is conflicting geometry visible:
    from the Ray model, erase the area that was also covered by the Leo/Eva/Spider scanner (leaving only the Leo/Eva/Spider data present in that area). This erase operation will help avoid double surfaces, artifacts, and holes in the areas where the datasets overlap.
    Please note that it is important to leave a small bit of overlapping surface from all sides.

  • Perform a Fusion of the Ray Fusion/Triangulation together with Leo/Eva/Spider raw dataset (change Preset to Leo/Eva/Spider according to your scanner type).

    The final result is a single fusion (model) from the two initially separate datasets.


Key advantages of combining Ray data with other Artec scanners (Leo/Eva) data

Ray data is very accurate and can be used as a "backbone" for Leo/Eva data. By global-registering the Leo/Eva data to this backbone provided by the Ray, you can achieve a significant improvement in the accuracy of the Leo/Eva data. This can be particularly useful when scanning large objects. Each scanner provides a unique advantage in this scenario:

  • The Ray provides better accuracy (but cannot reach certain areas of the object due to being a stationary tripod scanner).
  • The Leo/Eva provides much better access: it is possible to scan around, underneath, and behind the object.

    By combining the two scanners, you are able to:
  • get great accuracy (thanks to the Ray)
  • get a full scan of the object without any holes and missing areas (thanks to the Leo/Eva)

Technical explanation:

When performing a Global Registration of just the Leo/Eva data, the Leo/Eva frames will be registered in relation to each other. Any accumulated error (or selective frames with bad features) will negatively impact the registration result and can even cause "warping" of the scans, especially on long, straight objects.
But when a Global Registration of the Leo/Eva scans is performed together with the Ray Fusion, two things occur simultaneously:
1. The Leo/Eva frames are registered in relation to each other (as usual)
2. The Leo/Eva frames are registered in relation to the Ray Fusion (this is the key difference)
The second step "forces" the Leo/Eva frames into the right positions, thereby correcting any potential accuracy drift and scan warping. As the Ray scanner is a very accurate device, the result of this operation is beneficial in virtually all cases.




In case you experience any issues with your Artec 3D scanner or require technical assistance with your device or Artec Studio, in the first instance please contact your local Artec dealer/distributor directly. You can also contact the Artec Support Team by clicking on "Submit a request" button on the bottom right part of the screen or by emailing

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