Submit a request

"Server is not accessible" / "Server error: The remote server closed the connection prematurely, before the entire reply was received and processed"


You may receive the "Server is not accessible" or "Server error: The remote server closed the connection prematurely, before the entire reply was received and processed" error messages when downloading a software update through Artec Installation Center or activating the software:




Try one or more of the following steps:

1. Turn off the Windows Firewall and antivirus for a moment.
2. The access might be restricted by the network policies, so try contacting your network administrator. About the requirements:

The IP address of is JSON requests of all types (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, both multipart and simple) must be allowed to and its IP address.

3. Use an alternative Internet connection. You can use your smartphone as a hotspot.

Our team is here to help! If you have any questions or issues, please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing or by clicking on "Submit a request" button at the bottom right side of the screen. We will always be happy to assist you and will get back to you as soon as we can.




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