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Fails to launch Artec Studio 12 "Please run Artec Installation Center for activation"

Issue: Fails to launch Artec Studio 12 "Please run Artec Installation Center for activation"



Cause: This message indicates, that a license file is either missing or can not be accessed. To troubleshoot further, try the following steps:


- Launch Artec Installation Center, and check the status of Artec Studio there - it should be "Activated".

If it's not and the button "Activate" is shown, then click on it, wait until the software is activated, and launch Artec Studio in a usual way.

If it does not help:

- Check, if the file license.dat is present in a hidden folder
C:\Users\Windows_user_name\AppData\Roaming\Artec\Artec Studio 12 Professional\12.X.X.XX.

1) If there is a license file, then:

  • Right-click on Artec Studio icon on your desktop and choose the option Run as administrator
  • Depending on your Windows account configuration, the current account might not have enough permissions to access the Artec Studio license file.

2) If there is no license file, then:

  • You might have logged into Artec Installation Center, using another account (not the one, where the license is assigned). In this case, use this instruction to re-login with the correct credentials.
  • During the software activation, Artec Installation Center should be able to reach license server to download the license file, so there might be something blocking this download (proxy, etc). This instruction might be helpful.


In case you experience any issues with your Artec 3D scanner or require technical assistance with your device or Artec Studio, in the first instance please contact your local Artec dealer/distributor directly. You can also contact the Artec Support Team by clicking on the "Submit a request" button at the bottom right of the screen or by emailing




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