This article will guide you through the steps necessary to perform area and volume calculations on your 3D-mesh.
Step 1: Select your model in the 'Workspace' section of Artec Studio, then navigate to Measures and click on Sections.
Step 2: Place a section anywhere on the model. Your selection will be displayed in red.
Note: In the screenshot below, we used the "Not constrained (at least 3 points required)" selection method.
Step 3: Move and rotate your section in order to situate it below the model, so that the entire model is displayed in red (as pictured in the screenshot below).
The red area is your mesh selection, and it is important to understand that only this selected zone will be used for the area/volume calculation.
There is no need to be very precise with the placement of your section - just make sure that the entire model is selected in red.
Once you have finished moving / rotating / scaling your section and are satisfied with the selected zone, hit "Apply".
Step 4: The mesh area and volume will be displayed.
Hi-res pictures with the steps described in the article are available for download below.
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