This article will guide you through upgrade process in case your Artec Studio version was activated offline.
In online activation mode, all actions listed below are made in an automatic way via Artec Installation Center. In offline activation mode, you should copy some of the files from folder to the folder manually.
How to upgrade Artec Studio 17.0 to 17.N in offline mode
Let us say, you have installed Artec Studio 17.0 on your PC using offline activation method and you would like to upgrade your software up to version 17.1.
The sequence of actions is as follows:
- Download the installer of Artec Studio 17.1 from any PC with access to the Internet. All installers are available for download in "My software" section at
- Bring this installer file to an offline PC.
- Launch the installer (administrator's rights in Windows are not essential, but highly recommended).
- As soon as installation is finished, navigate to folder C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Roaming\Artec\Artec Studio 17). Please note that folder "AppData" in hidden by default in Windows, so if you do not see it, please enable displaying of hidden files in Control Panel --> Folder options.
- There will be two folders inside - 17.0.N.N and 17.1.N.N.
- Copy file license.dat from 17.0.N.N to 17.1.N.N.
- Launch Artec Studio.
That's all. Now enjoy the new features of this release :)
How to upgrade Artec Studio N-1 to Artec Studio N in offline mode
For example, you have Artec Studio 16 installed and activated offline and you would like to install Artec Studio 17 in offline mode on the same PC.
The sequence of actions will be as follows:
- Download Artec Studio 17 installer and bring it to offline PC as it is described above.
- Enable displaying hidden files in Windows.
- Remove files aic.dat and cache.ini from folder C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Roaming\Artec\Artec Installation Center
- Launch installer of Artec Studio 17 (administrator rights in Windows are not essential, but highly recommended).
- Proceed with offline activation as it is described in this document.
Compatibility information:
- All versions of Artec Studio 9, lower than, utilize a different pack of drivers for Artec scanners. So Artec Studio 9 of the older version is not compatible with Artec Studio 10 and later and should be upgraded.
- This type of upgrade is required only in case you want to keep both AS9 and AS10 + on the same PC. If you don't, just uninstall Artec Studio 9 prior to Artec Studio installation.
In case you experience any issues with your Artec 3D scanner or require technical assistance with your device or Artec Studio, in the first instance please contact your local Artec dealer/distributor directly. You can also contact the Artec Support Team by clicking on "Submit a request" button on the bottom right part of the screen or by emailing