This article provides more information about inner structure of CSV file that you receive when you export geodesic measurement from Artec Studio.
Below is the structure of sample CSV file:
0; -18,515253 33,167717 69,816551; 0,000000; 0;
1; -14,062273 34,914066 68,008614; 5,116574; 8; -13,656860 35,042469 67,982712 -14,397593 34,799145 68,262375 -15,089890 34,558506 68,528503 -15,324577 34,477753 68,618423 -15,520493 34,405178 68,695366 -15,935402 34,241997 68,861771 -16,804672 33,894184 69,212631 -18,131699 33,323277 69,763672
So we export information about geodesic measurements in the following structure:
- N is ID of the point.
- Coord is the coordinate of the point. In example above we have coordinates x=-18,515253, y=33,167717 and z=69,816551 for point #0.
- Length is distance between N and (N-1) point. These points are called measurement points. For point #0 Length always has zero value.
- There are also points that we call path points. The whole geodesic path consists of points, so when system builds this path, it calculates path points. Path points is created when geodesic path crosses polygon on the surface of your 3D-model. Size is number of points on geodesic path and it is integer value)
- Data is all these points on geodesic path. In your CSV you will see their coordinates like this: x0 y0 z0 x1 y1 z1... x[size-1] y[size-1] z[size-1].
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