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Instruction for new users

This document is meant to help users, who recently purchased their first Artec 3D Scanner, to get started. For easy access to Artec Studio, you first have to install application called Artec Installation Center and then activate your 3D Scanner.

To do that, please perform the following steps.

Step 1: Register on

Go to and create your account.

Step 2: Download AIC

Log into your new account, switch to "My applications" and download software called Artec Installation Center (AIC).

Also link for AIC executable file can be found on the main screen of

Step 3: Install AIC

Open the folder with the downloaded file and run AIC installer.

The application window will appear, please click on button "Next":

Choose the location, where you want to have the application installed (we recommend leaving the default location) and click on "Next" button again:

Confirm your intention to install the application on the next screen by clicking on "Install" button:


Step 4: Login to

Once AIC is installed, you will see a dialog with login/password. Type the login and password from your account and click on "Sign In" to get logged in.

Step 5: Activate your new Artec Scanner

Connect your new 3D Scanner to computer and wait while Windows detects it and displays the message that the new device (Artec 3D Scanner) is correctly installed on your PC.

After 3D Scanner is detected, click on "Refresh" inside Artec Installation Center to detect the scanner and then - "Activate" near scanner serial number.

In a couple of seconds your scanner status in AIC will be changed to "Activated".

Step 6: Artec Studio installation

Click on "Install" button near Artec Studio to download installer file and install the software.


In case you experience any issues with your Artec 3D scanner or require technical assistance with your device or Artec Studio, in the first instance please contact your local Artec dealer/distributor directly. You can also contact the Artec Support Team by clicking on "Submit a request" button on the bottom right part of the screen or by emailing


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