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Structure of OBC/CSV file for photogrammetry

If you would like to use the OBC/CSV file of your photogrammetry solution together with Artec Studio, this article will help you to check, that this file has a compatible structure. Examples of compatible OBC and CSV files are attached to the article.

Also, feel free to check this article for use cases, workflow, Artec Studio settings, etc.


Targets type

Your file should contain the information about non-coded targets with black outer diameter. Like this one:


Targets IDs

Artec Studio uses only non-coded targets, so if you would like to utilize the file from any other photogrammetry software, the non-coded targets IDs in this file should start from 1001.

For example, you are using 10 targets: 10 coded and 10 non-coded. Then for the coded targets IDs will be from 1 to 10, while for non-coded targets IDs will start from 1001 to 1010.


File structure and separators

Artec Studio will always utilize the first four columns of the OBC/CSV file:

  1. Target ID
  2. X coordinate of the target
  3. Y coordinate of the target
  4. Z coordinate of the target

In your file, "," or "." should represents a decimal point and ";" or " " should represent a separator between columns. Here is the sample:



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