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Artec Micro II FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Here are some quick answers to some quick questions!
  • What is Artec Micro II?

Artec Micro II is a automated desktop 3D scanner for digitizing parts in 5-micron accuracy and repeatability up to 2 microns. An object is fixated on a rotating table inside the scanner with help of fixtures, the table turns while Artec Micro II projects a white light pattern on the object.


  • Maximum weight of the object:

It is possible to scan the object up to 2 kg

  • Dimensions of the object:

W x L x H: 200 mm x 200 mm x 150 mm


  • What is the accuracy of Artec Micro II?

5-micron accuracy with 2-micron repeatability. Confirmed by ISO12836

for more information, please check the specifications


  • What kind of light source does Artec Micro II use?





In case you experience any issues with your Artec 3D scanner or require technical assistance with your device or Artec Studio, in the first instance please contact your local Artec dealer/distributor directly. You can also contact the Artec Support Team by clicking on "Submit a request" button on the bottom right part of the screen or by emailing


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