From time to time, our Customers requires more flexible instruments to polish models created in Artec Studio. This article provides you tips and tricks to improve the texture with Adobe Substance 3D Painter.
(!) Good texture without distortion can be obtained by proper scanning and post processing in Artec Studio. You can refine the texture with the Healing Texture brush.
However there are cases when 3rd party software can be extremely useful.
In this article we will review several cases on how fix the texture artifacts (the model was scanned with Artec Leo). We will consider cases where the distortion is neglibible or there is no possibility to re-scan the model.
1) The texture distortions on the sleeve cuffs.
How to address the issue:
1) Align the model in the coordinate system
2) Export the model in . obj format and save the texture in . jpeg format
3) Open Adobe Substance 3D Painter (available 30 days trial period)
4) Import a model (File -> New or ctr+N).
In the import window selet one of the standard templates for textured 3D models.
- BPR Metallic Roughness is suitable for editing a texture map.
-Select the model to work with and set the document resolution to 4096 pixels.
- Import Baked Maps submenu is used to add a texture to the model
All navigation functions in Adobe Substance 3D Painter are activated by pressing ALT key
- ALT + left mouse button to rotate the model
- ALT + right mouse button for zooming (resizing) the model.
- ALT + center mouse button for moving the object.
After Importing the model it is monochromatic because the texture map is not assigned yet to the model.
- To add the texture click on Layer Icon -> Fill layer and choose the texture map of the model
- In properties window it is possible to change roughness parameters (to make the model vizualization more matte). The metal, height and nrm maps should be disabled.
Now we can edit the model. The editing process is similar to photo processing in Adobe Photoshop.
- Click add layer icon to create a new layer
- Select Passthrough mode in the blending mode column (this feature enables the Clone Brush)
- When using the Clone Brush select the area from which the texture should be borrowed (to scale the brush diameter use CTRL+ right mouse button, to select the area from which the texture should be borrowed - press V)
Final Results after Importing the model back to Artec Studio:
2) Texture artifacts on the scanner
- to edit a camera section, please select a neighboring section, and after cloning - delete the unwanted part of the clone
To edit different areas, we recommend adding dedicated layers like in the Photoshop program. Each individual layer can be edited, deleted or returned to its editing later. Also when working with different layers, it is possible to change the transperancy of each individual layer, that might help to achieve better results.
Smudge Brush can be extremely useful for getting softer look when blending the layers.
Final Results after Importing the model back to Artec Studio:
To Export the texture -> File -> Export Texture or CTRL+Shift+E
Important Steps to export the texture:
1) Select the folder to save the texture map
2) In the Size field selet the required size of the future map
3) Leave only the base color map in the defaultMat field
When the export is complete, a texture map with the name of the model+ _defaultMat_BaseColor will appear the the specified folder. In order Artec Studio algorithm recognize the texture when loading the model, please change the name of the texture map obtained in Adobe Substance 3D Painter to the original name of the file received when exporting the model from Artec Studio. The original texture map file should be deleted.
As you can see from the examples, the texture remains in the same color palette, but the artifacts are removed.
In case you experience any issues with your Artec 3D scanner or require technical assistance with your device or Artec Studio, in the first instance please contact your local Artec dealer/distributor directly. You can also contact the Artec Support Team by clicking on "Submit a request" button on the bottom right part of the screen or by emailing